AGM 2019 Minutes - LCWF

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Lancashire Combined Watch Forum
‘The Neighbourhood Watch Association for Lancashire’
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 6th April 2019 10.00 to 12.30
St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, Lytham Rd. Preston
Meeting Minutes
Peter Woodworth                           Amanda Holt                                      John Shorter
Ian Humphreys                              David Clark                                         Margeurite Clark
Chris Hewitt                                   Deb Hewitt                                         Andrew Wild
Margaret Melling                             Karen Ashton                                     Julie Fairburn
Julie Ludlum                                   David Nicholls                                    Elaine Parker
Jeff Dean                                       Gillian Hallam                                     Cath Sissons
Phil Deegan                                    Janet Deegan                                    June Dodd
Stephen Marsden                            Lynne Walker                                     Irene May
Peter Platt                                      Jane Snell                                          Gary Cootes
Morgan Sunley                                Michael Lonsdale                                Barry Ingham
Ron Pickup                                     Asya Badat                                         Dee Patel
Lynda Schofield                              Gary Schofield                                     Roger Baines MBE*                         
Richard Baguley                *            Debbie Curtis*                                    Colm Flaherty*                 
Nilofer Mohamed*                          Jim Proctor *                                      Ian Sewart**                     
Gemma McDonagh**


Joan Dickinson                                 Liz Webster                                    Craig Eckersley
Mike Waring                                    Glynis Whitehead                            Graham Sloan
John Butler                                      Ann Mereside                                 Ivor Bould
Mel Speight                                     Mike Emerton                                 Sue Parkin
Jerry Stanford                                  Ann Leadbetter                              Mebs Desai
Dave Smith                                      Hayley Davies                                Joseph Davies
Pam Wild                                         Fari Atchia*                                   Malcolm Clifford*
Hazel Flaherty*

(* = LCWF Committee, ** = Our Lancashire)

1)       Welcome
Roger Baines MBE, Chair of the Lancashire Combined Watch Forum (LCWF), opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees. He thanked them for attending and outlined the agenda for the day.

Roger advised the meeting that, in addition to the mandated constitutional requirements, the aim of the AGM was to update attendees on events and progress since the last AGM and provide an opportunity for NHW Coordinators to network and discuss relevant concerns and topics.

2)      Our Lancashire
Ian Sewart and Gemma McDonagh were kind enough to attend the meeting to provide an overview and update on the upcoming new ‘Our Lancashire’ website.

An overview was also given on the new ‘Uniformed Community Champion’ role.

Further information on both these topics can be found in the presentation material which will be made available with these minutes.

3)      Lancashire Combined Watch Forum Background
A brief background of the Lancashire Combined Watch Forum and the significant changes it has gone through in the last few years was given to ensure all attendees were aware of the LCWF’s roles and responsibilities.
4)      Achievements Since Last AGM
Attendees were given an update on the main achievements made by the LCWF since the last AGM:
Completely revised New Watch Process launched
Now ‘own’, manage and maintain the Lancashire NHW Database
Improved Communications with coordinators
Working with and influencing National NHW strategy
In discussions with Lancashire Fire and Rescue
Following discussion attendees generally considered that the LCWF were taking the correct approach and should continue along the same lines.
5)      Treasurer’s Report
The LCWF Treasurer, Colm Flaherty, gave the Treasurer’s Report covering the period from 4th May 2018 to 28th March 2019.
The account balance on 28th March 2019 was £4696.47.
6)      Dissolution of existing committee
As required by Para 7 (b) of the LCWF Constitution:
“All the members of the Executive Director Committee shall retire from office together at the beginning of the Annual General Meeting, they may be re-elected or re-appointed.”
It was therefore considered that, at this point in the AGM, all existing LCWF Committee Members had retired.
7)      Election of new committee members
Para 12 (d) of the LCWF Constitution requires that:
“Nominations for election to the Executive Director Committee must be made by members of the Forum in writing and must be in the hands of the secretary of the Executive Director Committee at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.”
The following nominations had been received by the Secretary in compliance with the above requirement and were therefore eligible for election;

      Fari Atchia                                                      Colm Flaherty
          Richards Baguley                                             Hazel Flaherty
          Roger Baines MBE                                           Nilofer Mohamed
          Malcolm Clifford                                              David Nicholls
          Debbie Curtis                                                  Jim Proctor
      Jeff Dean
Ian Humphreys proposed that the above nominees be elected to the LCWF Committee, this was seconded by John Shorter and Peter Platt.  

The proposal was accepted unanimously by those present, the above nominees were therefore considered to have been duly elected to the LCWF Committee.
8)      Close Meeting
Roger Baines MBE thanked attendees for their involvement and invaluable support during the meeting.

Thanks were also extended to all members of the committee since the last AGM, and the volunteers providing support with the NHW database.
Attendees were requested to complete a feedback form. The results to be used to gauge the success of the meeting and how future meeting can be improved.

There being no further business the meetings was declared closed.

All involved were invited to partake of the lunch provided.
Further details on any of the topics covered during the AGM can be found:
                in the Presentation Material ( Click Here) which will be made available with these minutes;
                on the LCWF Website WWW.LCWF.CO.UK;
                or, by contacting the LCWF directly -  

Colm Flaherty
Secretary, Lancashire Combined Watch Forum.

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